![]() 05/05/2017 at 11:57 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Drivers who drive manual transmissions are less likely to run stop signs, and are more likely to come to complete stops, versus those who drive automatics and tend to roll stop signs.
Hear me out. I drive both, but more often manual. And I think it all comes down to the dance we do: Left foot clutch in, either in neutral or rowing down through the gears (a lot of cars don’t like being in 1st unless you’re nearly stopped).
So in order to go into 1st gear, right foot off the brake and let out the clutch smoothly with the left, it is just naturally easier to do so at a COMPLETE STOP.
In an auto, you brake, slow down, and just move your right foot over to the gas and roll that bitch.
Am I on to something here? Or is it just me that’s noticed this due to my own driving habits.
And by that I mean that: Yes, I find myself rolling more stops when driving auto versus manual.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:03 |
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:03 |
I’d say thats accurate. I wouldn’t even attempt to go into 1st until I’m stopped. its just a pain. That being said both the noxbox and my previous Forester XT had enough go in 2nd that I could be practically stopped and use 2nd no problem.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:06 |
I am a much better, and more attentive driver overall when driving a manual. It’s the main reason I’m considering ditching the Audi.
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Unusual and stupid exception - I probably roll stop signs more often in my Land Rover because it’s so stupidly low-geared (and yet weak) that a clutch-in, clutch-out slow roll while putt-putting in third doesn’t involve shifting non-synchro gears. If I’m moving in any way, it’s basically impossible to shift to first, and second requires very precise rev-matching and blipping the throttle, so I can’t downshift while slowing down very well. It makes the process = complete stop, then wait for a second, then slide in, then rev-match upshift at like 5mph. All time-consuming.
Sometimes worth downshifting into second and the trouble involved, but unless I expect to wait, downshifting into first, never if I can avoid it - and the car requires first to start rolling anywhere steeper than flat.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:10 |
What I hate* is when I roll up to an intersection to make a right on red.
As I slowly roll up to the line, I start scanning the intersection to see if I can go once I come to a stop. I look at cross traffic, the other lights to see who has the right of way, etc.. At this point, I am no longer looking at the light.
I come to a stop, and decide to go since the intersection is clear. Before I can even get the car in 1st, the guy behind me is honking. Why?
Because the light has turned green in that last 3-4 seconds as I rolled up.
*can happen with either transmission type
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Conversely, it’s called a “second gear stop” for a reason.
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Counter Hypothesis: Because of the extra work involved in stopping and getting started again, cars with a manual transmission are more likely to try to a rolling stop to avoid doing that. I have no evidence beyond conjecture, but I see parallels to cycling where the desire not to have top stop completely is definitely real.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:17 |
I’m the opposite. When I drove manual (most of my life), I tended to want to stay in second gear and avoid the hassle and jerkiness of 1st altogether. However, in an auto, I don’t care, so I usually come to a full stop.
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![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:17 |
Never heard it called that.
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Add in the red light cameras that seem to be popping up more and more around here (putting pressure on you to make that full stop), and it even gets worse - that struggle is real.
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I roll up to stop signs in second, slow down, often to a complete stop, but sometimes I roll through and either rev match a downshift into first or just slip the clutch in second.
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I’m more attentive driving a manual, and more likely to come to a full stop in the stick shift car, but there’s a caveat. Like most cars, it hates going into 1st while moving, but the gearing is pretty low - so it’s quite happy to pull away in 2nd (w/o any slippage) with any movement whatsoever. So, I sometimes find myself not *quite* stopping and pulling away in 2nd.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:21 |
Huh. TBH, transmission type has never been a factor in this for me. I’m just as likely to come to a full stop with an automatic as I am with a manual.
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Yup, roll up with foot on brake, ready to clutch in, but if you work it just right, you can complete the stop for a split second then let off the brake and keep moving without clutching in. Helps to have a heavy flywheel to keep the engine turning throughout, but I’d be more likely to roll the stop with the manual.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:23 |
I think the opposite is true. Starting a manual from a dead stop is more work than an auto, and people will often brake, put in the clutch, slowly coast up to/through the sign, and get moving again without ever shifting out of second. I’ve witnessed people do this many times, and have done it myself (right up until I got pulled over for it...). Plenty of people roll through stop signs in autos too of course, but I think you’ve got it backward.
Where I live, rolling through a stop sign is often called a “California stop” because of the perception that transplants do it more than natives, but when I lived in California I heard it called a “2nd-gear roll.”
![]() 05/05/2017 at 12:26 |
Basically the logic is that rather than stopping and changing down to first, you keep rolling and can stay in second. Could be a local term I suppose but I though it was fairly widespread.
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I could see why in some vehicles.... all of mine have been low torque 4-bangers that NEED 1st gear.
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As tempted as I am to just sit there for an additional 30 seconds and see how many more honks I can get. I usually just let out an audible sign, and just continue.
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I know firsthand about the 2.5 Golf (1st gear is horrible at any time and should be avoided at all costs--ratio is way to tall) and a TDI Jetta (so much torque--might as well have been an auto for how easy it was to drive). So I guess that makes sense.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:08 |
Agreed. I don’t blame them for honking, either.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:10 |
Can red light cameras tell if you didn’t stop completely on a right turn? I think they probably have them set just to ignore that lane. Seems like they’d have a lot of false positives from the intersections around here since you HAVE to roll well past the line on many of them just to see if it’s clear.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:13 |
The only “accident” I’ve ever been in was in a merge like this. Not even a right on red so much as a stoplight with a totally separate right turn lane that cuts off the corner, separated by a curb and everything.
I’m rolling up to the intersection to turn right, and there’s a Land Rover Discovery in front of me, also moving. I look left and see there’s no one coming. I look up, Land Rover still moving. I look left again, to be very sure there’s no one coming, still good. I’m in second gear. I look up again at the Land Rover, and it’s STOPPED. Apparently, the driver wasn’t looking left before approaching the merge and assumed a stop was necessary.
I slammed on my brakes in time to only bump gently into the rear trailer hitch with my license plate. Clearly this was my fault, but there was genuinely no damage and after talking with the LR driver, we both walked away with each other’s numbers but that was all. Nothing ever came of it and I will never make the same mistake, but also. COME ON WHY DID YOU STOP?
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:13 |
YES THEY CAN! My wife has gotten several tickets in the mail this way. There’s been a lot of controversy around here over exactly what you describe. I’m sure they can be set to ignore right turns, but some seem overly sensitive to it. All depends on the grace period, how they’re set up (ie how greedy the municipality is), etc...
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:14 |
Yup. It’s called a farmer’s stop where I live because getting a tractor going from a dead stop is even more of a pain than doing so in a stick shift car. If I’m driving one of ours and sightlines are clear and there’s no traffic (which is most of the time), I’ll go through at 5-10mph at least. I’ll sometimes do the same in my car (stick) though far less often because the likelihood of clear sightlines and no traffic is much lower on paved roads. With an automatic I’ll just stop because it gets itself going without any effort on my part.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:17 |
Huh. I have tried to stop completely at those, but I’m sure I haven’t been totally successful. Yet I’ve never gotten a piece of unwelcome paper in the mail from the
community fundraising agents. And I KNOW they’ll track you from a standstill, so I don’t get why I haven’t been picked up for running a red while I try to see what’s coming.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 13:27 |
It’s all in how the municipality sets it up. It’s entirely possible that they ignore right on red in your area. I haven’t gotten a ticket in the mail for that, either. But my commute to work takes me in the opposite direction from my wife, and there must be at least one town down that way that’s doing it. I’d name it, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 14:04 |
Yup with a manual trans you know for sure if you’ve come to a full stop or not. With an auto it can be a little to easy to “stop” look both ways and keep going.
![]() 05/05/2017 at 14:06 |
What’s worse is one someone going straight has decided to hangout in the right lane for no reason so you’re stuck there waiting for a green light even tho you’re turning
![]() 05/05/2017 at 14:47 |
Does the right lane also go straight?
![]() 05/05/2017 at 16:16 |
Yes, but if you can avoid using it, you should.
![]() 05/07/2017 at 19:01 |
Im with you Takuro on that picture. lol Those signs should be posted all over the roads in the US.
The same thing should be done for when the light turns green too.
A voice should pipe in to the car “Look dummy! the light is green and you haven’t touched the gas pedal! get off twitter & snapchat and move your ***!”
![]() 05/10/2017 at 09:44 |
I do this all the time, but if you keep moving, you’ve never “completed the stop”.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 14:45 |
If it’s timed just right, the car will settle and transfer the weight for the stop, then there’s still just enough spin in the flywheel to get it rolling again without stalling. But I’m sure a police officer could ticket that as it’s a very fine line.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 14:50 |
Like several others have said, I roll stops a lot driving a manual, but that’s because I don’t want to have to drop all the way to 1st.